Data Carpentry Curriculum Development
AAS Employment Committee
Anti-Racism Working Group
Code Review
Diversity and Inclusion in Physics
Python In Astronomy SOC
Python Lesson Maintainer
Scipy Conference Proceedings Editor
Project Astro Astronomer
Develop, launch, and maintain the Foundations of Astronomical Data Science Data Carpentry Curriculum. Chair the curriculum advisory committee.
Organize and instruct at the Software and Data Carpentry Workshops at the Winter AAS meetings. Assess current hiring practices in astronomy that are used to create a more equitable hiring process and more diverse workforce.
Participated in the Graduate Studies Anti-racism training workshing group to plan and implement university wide anti-racism training.
Founded, organize, and lead weekly meetings at UC Davis attended by graduate students, post-docs, research stage, and faculty to improve and share coding knowledge
Bring discussion, programs, and activities to the physics department at UC Davis to improve the departmental culture surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Organized and coordinated the Python in Astronomy 2018 conference
Provide feedback on and incorporated suggested improvements to the Software Carpentry Python lesson using git and GitHub.
Edit proceedings for Scipy Conference in 2015 using GitHub
Brought hands on astronomy projects to a third grade class in San Diego through the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Project Astro Program